Building Inner Strength 8 Tips to Harness Your Power to Overcome Difficult Situations

Building Inner Strength: 8 Tips to Harness Your Power to Overcome Difficult Situations

Hey there, folks! Today, let’s dive into the topic of building inner strength and how it can help us tackle those tricky, challenging situations that life throws our way. We all know life isn’t always a walk in the park, but by cultivating our inner strength, we can face adversity head-on and come out stronger on the other side. So, let’s buckle up and explore some tips and tricks in this quick post to help us develop that unbreakable spirit!

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The Dunning-Kruger Effect Why Ignorance Isn't Always Bliss

The Dunning-Kruger Effect: Why Ignorance Isn’t Always Bliss

Have you ever heard of the Dunning-Kruger effect? It’s a psychological phenomenon where people with low ability in a particular area tend to overestimate their own competence. In other words, they don’t know what they don’t know, and so they think they know more than they actually do. Meanwhile, people with high ability tend to underestimate their own competence, as they are more aware of how much they still have to learn.

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Mindful Living and Why It Is Important

Mindful Living and Why It Is Important

Something I believe in and try (not always successfully) to embody is living life to the fullest and embracing every moment. One way, and probably the best way, to achieve this is through mindful living. Mindful living is about being present in the moment, cultivating awareness, and living with intention. In this post, we’ll explore the benefits of mindful living and share practical tips for incorporating mindfulness into your daily life.

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Being Happy In a Modern World 2

Being Happy in a Modern World: Tips for Life

It’s been a minute but I’m back. It has been an interesting couple of years for everyone and certainly a challenge. I’m sure I am not alone in experiencing the myriad of new assaults on my time and wellbeing – both physical and mental. Because of this, I thought we could explore the intricacies of modern life and how to navigate it in a way that promotes happiness and wellbeing. We will explore the challenges of finding happiness in a modern world and I’ll provide some practical tips to cultivate happiness and fulfilment.

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Hurry Sickness

3 Steps to Destroy Hurry Sickness in the Workplace

The average person at work is relentlessly busy. You’ve heard this line before: the modern and interconnected world means we can never switch off, meaning we’re constantly doing something, and it is slowly killing us. It’s the fashionable way of running a business and behaving at work, and it is called hurry sickness. But guess what? The truth is, you need to slow down to get more done in the workplace.

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What am I doing with my life?

Asking yourself: What am I doing with my life?

I think we all get to a point in our life where we stop and wonder, to ourselves or another, what am I doing with my life? Perhaps this point comes at retirement when your job can no longer define you. Maybe you have just finished university and you are not sure what to do now. Perhaps you have been in the same job or field for years and it is becoming apparent that it is not what you wanted from life. You are not alone in these thoughts.

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Cope with Anything How to Build Resilience and Inner Strength

Cope with Anything: How to Build Resilience and Inner Strength

Things are tough for many people at the moment. The uncertainty that has come with the virus spreading around the world has caused many people to wonder if they will be able to cope if things get very stressful and when everything seems to be going wrong. And sometimes things will go wrong, particularly given everything going on. It can all become very frightening, and many people are feeling this way at the moment. The thought that you won’t be able to cope is a powerful one, but not one that is impossible to shake off. This post will look at how you can cope with anything, and how you can build resilience and inner strength to deal with the tough times.

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How to ensure you stay positive during trying times

How to ensure you stay positive during trying times

The world has become a very different place in a matter of weeks and months. Whilst some continue on with their normal lives, many more seek shelter from the rampant virus spreading over the globe. There are shortages in shops, lockdowns, and more fake information then you can shake a reasonably large stick at. The way people react to the Coronavirus will change the way society works going forward, as will the response and survivability of businesses large and small. With everything going on, you would be forgiven for being a bit nervous. It’s important to remember that this will not last forever, and here I want to outline some points and tips to help ensure you stay positive during these trying times.

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Appreciation and Happy Thoughts

Appreciation and Happy Thoughts: Why Being Nice Matters

At my workplace, I have recently been involved in a training day about dignity and respect at work. The policy itself is a lengthy piece of work, as you might imagine, and deals with all sorts of issues from harassment and bullying to discrimination and victimisation. During the training session – which was aimed at managers so we could identify and deal with issues as they might arise – it became obvious that there are many ways to insult people without even realising it. Certainly, since the training, my awareness of the issue has increased tenfold and now I really know why being nice matters. Appreciation and some happy thoughts can take you a long way.

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gift of attention this valentine's day

Give the gift of attention this Valentine’s Day

Valentine’s Day is an odd day. A special day to show you love someone? Surely every day should be thus! We do not love our partner any more on Valentine’s, so why would it be necessary to show them that love more than usual? It is possible that in your hectic life you aren’t spending enough time showing that love? If it is then it is understandable. We are all often very busy. We take things for granted. That is why Valentine’s Day is so important – to remind those that we love that we do love them. And I have an idea of the perfect gift for them: your attention.

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Spreading positivity and happiness

Spreading positivity and happiness

A single act of kindness throws out roots in all directions, and the roots spring up and make new trees.

Amelia Earhart

Perhaps a cornerstone of this website and the theme of its writings is that one should always be a good person. Rarely is there a time to act otherwise. I believe that by being good people and doing good unto others, we can find fulfilment and, indeed, enlightenment – if you’re into that kind of thing. Let’s take a closer look at the second part: being good to other people and spreading positivity and happiness!

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5 tips to overcome your fear of failure

5 tips to overcome your fear of failure

When talking about goals, about dreams, and about life, it is easy to feel a bit daunted. It is often viewed as easy to give up on a goal in favour of maintaining the status quo simply because we worry about the cost of failure. Over our life, this worry slowly develops into a fear. Partly due to it being normalised in our society to fear failure, but also because we remember how it feels to fail.

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